
Cybersecurity in Robotics: Challenges, Quantitative Modeling, and Practice

Robotics is becoming more and more ubiquitous, but the pressure to bring systems to market occasionally goes at the cost of neglecting security mechanisms during the development, deployment or while in production. As a result, contemporary robotic systems are vulnerable to diverse attack patterns, and an a posteriori hardening is at least challenging, if not impossible at all. This book aims to stipulate the inclusion of security in robotics from the earliest design phases onward and with a special focus on the cost-benefit tradeoff that can otherwise be an inhibitor for the fast development of affordable systems. We advocate quantitative methods of security management and design, covering vulnerability scoring systems tailored to robotic systems, and accounting for the highly distributed nature of robots as an interplay of potentially very many components. A powerful quantitative approach to model-based security is offered by game theory, providing a rich spectrum of techniques to optimize security against various kinds of attacks. Such a multi-perspective view on security is necessary to address the heterogeneity and complexity of robotic systems. This book is intended as an accessible starter for the theoretician and practitioner working in the field.

Penetration testing ROS

ROS is the most popular framework in robotics research and it also grows in terms of industrial use. This makes ROS a worthwhile target for attackers especially since security is not addressed by the core framework itself. Its open architecture and …

Flexible industrial mobile manipulation: a software perspective

With ongoing research in robotics, some specific architectural approaches of robotic systems earn more and more interest by all kinds of industries. Mobile manipulators--robots consisting of a mobile base and a serial manipulator--provide the ability …

Ros Message Parser

We have created a ROS message parser for our internal projects recently. Since we were not able to find a formal definition of the ROS message structure (and also found out that they are interpreted differently in C++ and python), we created a grammar file for ANTLR to automatically generate parsers. Although we use it for dotnet projects, the grammar files (.g4) can be reused to create parsers for a wide variety of languages.

Cybersecurity for robotics at ERF2019

A look back on what happened in recent years in ROS security


We are very happy that our two submitted papers have been accepted at the International Conference on Robotic Computing 2019. “I will present our paper on Security considerations in modular mobile manipulation”. Marc Pichler will present our joint work with the Software Engineering Research Group at the Alpen-Adria Unversity Klagenfurt titled “Can I depend on you? Mapping the dependency and quality landscape of ROS packages”. See you in Naples.

Security considerations in modular mobile manipulation

Mobile manipulation will play an essential role in future production's intralogistics. In addition, it can be assumed that location-independence of manipulation will greatly contribute to flexible production and higher efficiency in robot use. …

Can I depend on you? Mapping the dependency and quality landscape of ROS packages

Since its beginnings ten years ago, the Robot Operating System (ROS) has created a huge community of developers and researchers and is now the most widespread open-source framework for robotics development. It is used in research, prototyping but …

Volatile Memory Forensics for the Robot Operating System

The increasing impact of robotics on industry and on society will unavoidably lead to the involvement of robots in incidents and mishaps. In such cases, forensic analyses are key techniques to provide useful evidence on what happened, and try to …

Security fundamentals and ROS security

In this talk, I give a short introduction into security fundamentals and go into depth on security issues in ROS1 and how they can be exploited.